Browsing IAE-EC Capítulos de libro by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
(In Van Staveren, I., Peil, J. (eds.) . Elgar Handbook of Economics and Ethics: . London: ., 2007)In his Lives of the Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius depicts a very well known outline of Aristotle’s life and work, characterizing him as a morally good person. Diogenes transcribes Aristotle’s testament where he expressed ... -
Aristotle’s Science of Economics
(In Harper, R. I., Gregg, S. (Eds.) . Christian Theology And Market Economics: Part I : Christianity and the history of economic thought, Chapter 1: 13-24. London: ., 2008)In this chapter the Aristotelian conception of the economic science will be explained. First, the notion of oikonomike will be introduced. Then, it will be determined whether Economics was a science for Aristotle. In the ... -
(Epistemologia de las ciencias sociales, A. Pithod, Editorial Porrúa:145-159, 2010)No recuerdo en qué museo vi una preciosa acuarela del gran pintor valenciano Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida que me llamó la atención. Me encanta la pintura de Sorolla, pero en este cuadro había algo más. Representaba a un grupo ... -
El conocimiento directivo como ciencia práctica
(Epistemologia de las ciencias sociales, A. Pithod, 2010)En los últimos años asistimos a un creciente interés en conocer el pensamiento de autores clásicos sobre cuestiones fundamentales de la vida humana. Esta nueva atención a dichos autores se origina, en primer lugar, en que ... -
Abducing the Crisis
(In L. Magnani, W. Carnielli and C. Pizzi (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational Discovery, Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Vol. 314. Springer Verlag: 179-198., 2010)Macroeconomic crises are events marked by “broken promises” that shatter the expectations that many agents had entertained about their economic prospects and wealth positions. Crises lead to reappraisals of the views ... -
La noción de liberalismo en Liberalism Ancient and Modern de Leo Strauss
(In Rodriguez de Grozna, Mirtha. Estudios sobre Leo Strauss, 2010)El significado del término “liberalismo” es notablemente ambiguo. Muchas veces me he prometido no usarlo para evitar el conjunto de confusiones que comporta. Por eso, cuando se habla o, con mayor frecuencia, se discute, ... -
A teleological causal mechanism for economics. Socio-economic machines.
(In A. Lazzarini & D. Weisman (eds.), Perspectives on Epistemology of Economics. FCE, UBA 2012, 123-138., 2012)In the last years, given the problems of the so-called ‘received view’, a new kind of explanation has appeared in the realm of the philosophy of science, the causal mechanism explanations. This kind of mechanism has been ... -
Practical reasoning in economic affairs: The HD Index as a case study
(In Vitor Neves (ed.) Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics. New York: Routledge:150-179., 2012)The French philosopher of science Gilles-Gaston Granger (1992) explains that in the domain of Economics we must take into account three aspects of economic rationality if we want to achieve a correct and complete analysis. ...