Now showing items 21-40 of 48


      Crespo, Ricardo (Epistemologia de las ciencias sociales, A. Pithod, Editorial Porrúa:145-159, 2010)
      No recuerdo en qué museo vi una preciosa acuarela del gran pintor valenciano Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida que me llamó la atención. Me encanta la pintura de Sorolla, pero en este cuadro había algo más. Representaba a un grupo ...
    • El conocimiento directivo como ciencia práctica 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Epistemologia de las ciencias sociales, A. Pithod, 2010)
      En los últimos años asistimos a un creciente interés en conocer el pensamiento de autores clásicos sobre cuestiones fundamentales de la vida humana. Esta nueva atención a dichos autores se origina, en primer lugar, en que ...
    • The increasing role of practical reason in the Human Development Reports 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Review of Social Economy 71,1:93-107., 2013)
      This paper will argue for the need to reinsert practical reason into economics. It will first define, classify, and characterize practical reason. Second, it will show how it applies to Economics (Section 3). Then, it will ...
    • El revisionismo austríaco y la concepción aristotélica del valor. Sesgos y claves para una nueva revisión 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Martinez-Cinca, Carlos Diego (Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía. Vol. 30 Núm. 1 11-26, 2013)
      El revisionismo austríaco discutió la tesis de la historiografía económica clásica en torno a una supuesta incomprensión escolástica del mercado fundada en el “justo precio” y en la concepción aristotélica del valor, y ...
    • Happiness Economics, Eudaimonia and Positive Psychology: From Happiness Economics to Flourishing Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Mesurado, Belén. (Journal of happiness studies, June 2014,, 2014)
      A remarkable current development, happiness economics focuses on the relevance of people’s happiness in economic analyses. As this theory has been criticised for relying on an incomplete notion of happiness, this paper ...
    • The common good and economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (“The Common Good and Economics”, en Cuadernos de Economía A10, A13, B59, 2015)
      This paper analyzes the meaning of the ‘common good’ and its impact on economics.It adopts the ‘classical notion of the common good’ which, conceived by Aristotle and furtherdeveloped by Thomas Aquinas, has been widely ...
    • The Future of Mathematics in Economics: a Philosophically Grounded Proposal 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Tohmé, Fernando (The Future of Mathematics in Economics: a Philosophically Grounded Proposal - Fundations of Science, 2016)
      The use of mathematics in economics has been widely discussed. The philosophical discussion on what mathematics is remains unsettled on why it can be applied to the study of the real world. We propose to get back to some ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Journal of Applied Economics-Leading Paper-Vol.XIV,N°2, November 2011:181-197., 2011)
      As Ronald Coase points out there are two kinds of conceptions of economics: first, the conception that emphasizes the study of specific kinds of human activities; and second, the conception that makes economics the study ...
    • Cuestiones implícitas al medir en economía: El índice de desarrollo humano (IDH) como un estudio de campo. 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Adrogué, Cecilia (Revista Cultura Económica, Diciembre 2010, Año XXVIII, No. 79:33-42., 2010)
      An ancient desire of human beings has been to manage the future by fixing ends and means and calculating the best allocation of the later into the former. The earliest testimony of this ambition is expressed in Plato’s ...
    • Strengthening Cartwright’s Epistemological Positions through Aristotelian Arguments Otro título: Nancy Cartwright, millian and/or aristotelian 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Sapientia (F. de Filosofía, UCA), 2009)
      There is renewed interest concerning the relevance of Aristotle’s thought for contemporary science. This is especially true regarding the political, moral and economic aspects of human life and society. Aristotelian insights ...
    • Abducing the Crisis 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Tohmé, Fernando; Heymann, Daniel (In L. Magnani, W. Carnielli and C. Pizzi (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational Discovery, Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Vol. 314. Springer Verlag: 179-198., 2010)
      Macroeconomic crises are events marked by “broken promises” that shatter the expectations that many agents had entertained about their economic prospects and wealth positions. Crises lead to reappraisals of the views ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Energeia -International Journal of Philosophy and Methodology of Economics ol.5 N°1 :85-95., 2009)
      Este trabajo explora la posibilidad de una relación entre el pensamiento de John Maynard Keynes y el del filósofo alemán Franz Brentano (1839-1917) en los campos lógico y epistemológico. George E. Moore -profesor de ...
    • Thinking about the financial and economic crisis: Some brief notes on its causes and remedies 

      Crespo, Ricardo ("Think, 8 , pp 97-103 doi:10.1017/S1477175609990042 ", 2009)
      An economic crisis is an unexpected phenomenon with strong consequences for nations, institutions and people’s wealth, habits, and behaviors. It departs from the ‘normal’ evolution of the affairs foreseen by economic theory. ...
    • Aristotle’s Science of Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Harper, R. I., Gregg, S. (Eds.) . Christian Theology And Market Economics: Part I : Christianity and the history of economic thought, Chapter 1: 13-24. London: ., 2008)
      In this chapter the Aristotelian conception of the economic science will be explained. First, the notion of oikonomike will be introduced. Then, it will be determined whether Economics was a science for Aristotle. In the ...
    • 'The Economic' According to Aristotle: Ethical, Political and Epistemological Implications [ 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):281-294 (2008), 2008)
      A renewed concern with Aristotle’s thought about the economic aspects of human life and society can be observed. Aristotle dealt with the economic issues in his practical philosophy. He thus considered ‘the economic’ ...
    • Aristotle. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Van Staveren, I., Peil, J. (eds.) . Elgar Handbook of Economics and Ethics: . London: ., 2007)
      In his Lives of the Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius depicts a very well known outline of Aristotle’s life and work, characterizing him as a morally good person. Diogenes transcribes Aristotle’s testament where he expressed ...
    • Sobre las causas de la crisis. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cultura Económica, 2008/Mayo 2009 Año XXVI/XXVII-N°73-74: 28-30.Centro de Estudios en Economia y Cultura Universidad Católica Argentina., 2009)
      Más allá de la postura de ontología social que se adopte (individualista u holista) está claro que los fenómenos sociales son, al menos, fenómenos complejos. Por eso, cualquier análisis de la actual crisis financiera y ...
    • La responsabilidad social empresaria /RSE) a la luz de Caritas in veritate. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cultura Económica, Agosto/Diciembre 2009 Año XXVII-N°75-76:, 2009)
      Ante todo se debe señalar1 que las cuestiones de la empresa y de su responsabilidad en la sociedad están inscritas en el tono altamente exigente de la Encíclica, acorde a la idea madre que la informa completamente, e. ...
    • Practical comparability and Ends in Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Journal of Economic Methodology,14:3,371-393, 2007)
      This paper endeavours to summarize a variety of arguments for a reconsideration of ends in Economics. The logical structure of the rationality of ends (practical rationality) differs from the one of means (instrumental ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Libertas, XIII/45: 25-33, 2006)
      Ante todo debo agradecer la invitación de Gabriel Zanotti a formar parte de este panel. Debo confesar que inicialmente me resistí. Mi argumento fue que había dedicado sólo un período breve al estudio parcial de las obras ...