Browsing Investigación Aplicada by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 225
Early ciliary and prominin-1 dysfunctions precede neurogenesis impairment in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes.
(Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved., 2017-12-01)Diabetes mellitus (DM) is reaching epidemic conditions worldwide and increases the risk for cognition impairment and dementia. Here, we postulated that progenitors in adult neurogenic niches might be particularly vulnerable. ... -
The early onset of type 1 autoimmune hepatitis has a strong genetic influence: role of HLA and KIR genes.
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Springer is part of Springer Nature, 2016-02-18)We have previously reported a strong association between HLA-DRB1*1301 and type 1 pediatric autoimmune hepatitis (PAH) and between HLA-DR*0405 and adult autoimmune hepatitis (AAH). Because human killer cell immunoglobulin-like ... -
Editorial: biomarkers in HBV and prediction of treatment response
(Wiley, 2021-01)Hepatitis B cure is clinically defined as persistently undetectable HBsAg and hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum, with or without seroconversion to hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs). ... -
Educational intervention to improve effectiveness in treatment and control of patients with high cardiovascular risk in low-resource settings in Argentina: study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2017-01-31)INTRODUCTION: Hypercholesterolaemia is estimated to cause 2.6 million deaths annually and one-third of the cases of ischaemic heart disease. In Argentina, the prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia increased between 2005 and ... -
The Effects of Fat Harvesting and Preparation, Air Exposure, Obesity, and Stem Cell Enrichment on Adipocyte Viability Prior to Graft Transplantation
(Oxford University Press, 2016-07-29)Background: Adipocyte viability is affected by fat preparation and processing methods, but rigorous and objective studies of these relationships are lacking. Objectives: The authors conducted a comprehensive evaluation ... -
Efficacy and Safety of Nivolumab in Previously Treated Patients With Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer: Real World Experience in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2020-09)Abstract Background: Nivolumab was the first anti-programmed cell death 1 drug approved in Argentina for non-small-cell lung cancer treatment in the second-line setting. Materials and methods: The present study was a ... -
El impacto del error de medicación en los profesionales de enfermería.
(Difusión Avances de Enfermería (DAE), 2018-01-01)Objetivo: conocer cuál es el impacto que presentan los profesionales de salud al cometer un error y qué enseñanza les deja el evento. Método: estudio descriptivo a través de una encuesta anónima y voluntaria realizada a ... -
El valor de la paternidad
(cuadernos para la formación sacerdotal permanente, 2021-10)Padres Se ha dicho que “hay un quiebre social en el proceso de hacer humanos a los humanos”; este punto es clave, es la base de cualquier análisis de la paternidad. En su sentido mas genérico, educar es mejorar al hombre4. -
Electrical approach to improve left ventricular activation during right ventricle stimulation.
(Fundación Revista Medicina, 2017-01-01)Coronary sinus mapping is commonly used to evaluate left atrial activation. Herein, we propose to use it to assess which right ventricular pacing modality produces the shortest left ventricular activation times (R-LVtime) ... -
Elucidating the mechanism of action of alpha-1-antitrypsin using retinal pigment epithelium cells exposed to high glucose. Potential use in diabetic retinopathy
(Potilinski et a, 2020-02-07)Abstract Background: Alpha-1-antitrypsin is a protein involved in avoidance of different processes that are seen in diabetic retinopathy pathogenesis. These processes include apoptosis, extracellular matrix remodeling and ... -
En las fronteras de la ética de la investigación clínica: ajustando las normas al progreso.
(Revista Argentina de Cardiología, 2017-06-01)Es claro que las normas pueden ser buenas, regulares o malas. Dada la lógica normativa y burocrática, no hay mucho énfasis ni investigación sobre las malas normas en investigación clínica y su impacto en la producción ... -
Encuentro sobre educación de cuidado paliativo en Latinoamérica. Recomendaciones sobre enseñanza en el pregrado y en el primer nivel de atención de salud
(Elsevier Espana,, 2016-01-01)En muchos países de Latinoamérica el desarrollo del cuidado paliativo es aún incipiente. Una razón fundamental es que la formación de los profesionales de la salud en esta disciplina, aunque intensa y progresivamente ... -
Enfermedad de Fabry y síndrome de piernas inquietas: certificación
(Elsevier, 2017-01-01)La observación de un síntoma, signo o síndrome aún no descrito en una entidad, e indagando en los buscadores bibliográficos más conocidos, originan pensamientos de autocrítica, que con frecuencia determinan que esa experiencia ... -
[Epidemiology, etiology and prevention of bladder cancer]
(Archivos Españoles de Urología, 2020-12)Abstract in English, Spanish Bladder cancer is the seventh most frequent cancer on male population and eleventh within the whole inhabitants. Differences in incidence and mortality between countries and regions exist. ... -
Estimación del riesgo de somatización en pacientes hipertensos
(Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, 2015-04-01)Background: Somatization in hypertensive patients affects not only their quality of life but also their adherence to treatment and the physician-patient relationship, constituting an expensive health care issue. The ... -
Estratificación de riesgo y tratamiento agudo de la tromboembolia pulmonar
(prosac Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia, 2015) -
Ethical dilemmas associated with clinicians' decisions about treatment in critically ill infants born in Córdoba, Argentina.
(SAGE Publications, 2017-01-23)The objective of this article is to examine end of life decisions made by neonatologists of Córdoba, Argentina. An anonymous questionnaire was designed to investigate neonatologists’ decisions on when to initiate or withdraw ... -
Evaluation of the Performance of an Ophthalmic Thermosensitive Hydrogel Containing Combination of Suramin and Bevacizumab.
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2016)Suramab (SUM) is a new pharmaceutical combination made up of suramine (SUR) and bevacizumab (BVM), which showed a high synergistic effect when administered jointly. As the pharmaceutical vehicle, poloxamer aqueous dispersions ... -
Evaluation of the Performance of an Ophthalmic Thermosensitive Hydrogel Containing Combination of Suramin and Bevacizumab.
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2016)Suramab (SUM) is a new pharmaceutical combination made up of suramine (SUR) and bevacizumab (BVM), which showed a high synergistic effect when administered jointly. As the pharmaceutical vehicle, poloxamer aqueous dispersions ... -
Factors Associated with Survival and Survival without Major Morbidity in Very Preterm Infants in Two Neonatal Networks: SEN1500 and NEOCOSUR
(Karger, 2021-02)Abstract Introduction: Very low-birth weight (VLBW) infants represent a high-risk population for morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period. Variability in practices and outcomes between centers has been acknowledged. ...