Browsing Investigación Aplicada by Title
Now showing items 85-104 of 225
Ibero-American Society of Interventionism (SIDI) and the Spanish Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (SERVEI) Standard of Practice (SOP) for the Management of Inferior Vena Cava Filters in the Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism
(MDPI, 2021-12)Abstract Objectives: to present an interventional radiology standard of practice on the use of inferior vena cava filters (IVCFs) in patients with or at risk to develop venous thromboembolism (VTE) from the Iberoamerican ... -
Identification of optimal therapeutic window for steroid use in severe alcohol-associated hepatitis: A worldwide study
(Elsevier, 2021-11)Abstract Background & aims: Corticosteroids are the only effective therapy for severe alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH), defined by a model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score >20. However, there are patients who may ... -
Identifying patients at higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation in a multicenter cohort study from Argentina.
(Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., 2016-04-28)BACKGROUND AND AIM: The Up-to-7 criteria on the basis of the explanted liver features categorize patients at higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT). The aim of this study ... -
Ilex paraguariensis extracts and its polyphenols prevent oxidative damage and senescence of human retinal pigment epithelium cells
(Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, 2020-04-01)Abstract Aged-related macular degeneration (AMD), a prevalent chronic disease leading to blindness, is associated with oxidative damage of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Ilex paraguariensis (yerba mate, YM), widely ... -
Immunology of Bee Venom
(Humana Press, 2017-03-01)Introduction Previous studies show contradictory results related to the vascular effects of coffee; they suggest that caffeine increases arterial stiffness and negatively impacts vascular health, the aim of this study is ... -
Impact of Public Health Policies on Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease in Latin America: An Ecological Multinational Study
(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins [Commercial Publisher], 2021-11)Abstract Background and aims: Alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) is the leading cause of liver-related mortality in Latin America, yet the impact of public health policies (PHP) on liver disease is unknown. We aimed ... -
Impacto de una intervención educativa para mejorar la adherencia a las recomendaciones sobre sueño seguro del lactante.
(Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria, 2016-04-25)Introducción. Las campañas públicas en países desarrollados con recomendaciones para el sueño seguro del lactante lograron aumentar la adherencia a la posición supina para dormir a más del 70% y generaron, simultáneamente, ... -
IMT504 blocks allodynia in rats with spared nerve injury by promoting the migration of mesenchymal stem cells and by favoring an anti-inflammatory milieu at the injure nerve
(International Association for the Study of Pain, 2021-09)IMT504, a noncoding, non-CpG oligodeoxynucleotide, modulates pain-like behavior in rats undergoing peripheral nerve injury, through mechanisms that remain poorly characterized. Here, we chose the spared nerve injury model ... -
Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes related with neurological events after liver transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients.
(Wiley, 2018-02-07)Controversy exists whether NE after LT are more frequently observed in children or adults. We aimed to compare the incidence and outcomes for NE after LT in pediatric and adult recipients. A single-center cohort study, ... -
Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes related with neurological events after liver transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients.
(John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-02-07)Abstract Controversy exists whether NE after LT are more frequently observed in children or adults. We aimed to compare the incidence and outcomes for NE after LT in pediatric and adult recipients. A single-center cohort ... -
Incidence, risk factors, clinical characteristics and outcomes of deep venous thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 attending the Emergency Department: results of the UMC-19-S8
(Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins [Commercial Publisher], 2021-06)Abstract Background and importance: A higher incidence of venous thromboembolism [both pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)] in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been described. But little ... -
Increased androgen receptor expression in estrogen receptor-positive/progesterone receptor-negative breast cancer
(Springer, 2020-02)Abstract Purpose: Expression of estrogen receptor alpha (ER) and/or progesterone receptor (PR) defines luminal breast cancer. Even though androgen (AR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR) are highly expressed in luminal ... -
Increased risk of preneoplastic colonic lesions and colorectal carcinoma in acromegaly: multicenter case-control study
(Springer, 2021-02)Abstract Purpose: Current international guidelines recommend colonoscopy in patients with acromegaly at the time of diagnosis, even though the risk of developing colorectal neoplasm is still controversial. The main objective ... -
Injuria miocárdica luego de la cirugía no cardíaca: un nuevo concepto clínico con gran impacto pronóstico
(Revista CONAREC, 2015-07-01)La injuria miocárdica luego de la cirugía no cardíaca (MINS, del inglés myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery) representa un cuadro de origen isquémico con valor pronóstico independiente para muerte a 30 días. La ... -
Innominate vein turn-down procedure: Killing two birds with one stone
(2021-03)Feature Editor Note—In an effort to design a perfect thirdstage palliation for our single-ventricle patients, our specialty has been making tremendous efforts to compensate for the well-known disadvantages of a circulatory ... -
International study on the outcome of locoregional therapy for liver transplant in hepatocellular carcinoma beyond Milan criteria
(Elsevier, 2021-07)Abstract Background & aims: Good outcomes after liver transplantation (LT) have been reported after successfully downstaging to Milan criteria in more advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We aimed to compare post-LT ... -
International variations in application of the best-interest standard across the age spectrum.
(Springer Nature [academic journals on, 2016-10-13)OBJECTIVE: Ethically and legally, assertions that resuscitation is in a patient's best interest should be inversely correlated with willingness to forego intensive care (and accept comfort care) at the surrogate's request. ... -
International variations in application of the best-interest standard across the age spectrum.
(Springer Nature [academic journals on], 2017-02-01)OBJECTIVE: Ethically and legally, assertions that resuscitation is in a patient's best interest should be inversely correlated with willingness to forego intensive care (and accept comfort care) at the surrogate's request. ... -
Investigación con pacientes en cuidados paliativos: dilemas éticos y percepción pública sobre su vulnerabilidad. Estudio exploratorio
(Universidad de La Sabana, 2016)Los pacientes con enfermedades oncológicas en cuidados paliativos pertenecen a un grupo caracterizado como altamente vulnerable y su inclusión en estudios clínicos presenta diversos problemas éticos. Estudio de corte ... -
Investigación con pacientes en cuidados paliativos: dilemas éticos y percepción pública sobre su vulnerabilidad. Estudio exploratorio
(Universidad de La Sabana, 2016-07-01)Los pacientes con enfermedades oncológicas en cuidados paliativos pertenecen a un grupo caracterizado como altamente vulnerable y su inclusión en estudios clínicos presenta diversos problemas éticos. Estudio de corte ...