Now showing items 81-100 of 111

    • Aristotle’s Science of Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Harper, R. I., Gregg, S. (Eds.) . Christian Theology And Market Economics: Part I : Christianity and the history of economic thought, Chapter 1: 13-24. London: ., 2008)
      In this chapter the Aristotelian conception of the economic science will be explained. First, the notion of oikonomike will be introduced. Then, it will be determined whether Economics was a science for Aristotle. In the ...
    • 'The Economic' According to Aristotle: Ethical, Political and Epistemological Implications [ 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):281-294 (2008), 2008)
      A renewed concern with Aristotle’s thought about the economic aspects of human life and society can be observed. Aristotle dealt with the economic issues in his practical philosophy. He thus considered ‘the economic’ ...
    • Aristotle. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Van Staveren, I., Peil, J. (eds.) . Elgar Handbook of Economics and Ethics: . London: ., 2007)
      In his Lives of the Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius depicts a very well known outline of Aristotle’s life and work, characterizing him as a morally good person. Diogenes transcribes Aristotle’s testament where he expressed ...
    • Sobre las causas de la crisis. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cultura Económica, 2008/Mayo 2009 Año XXVI/XXVII-N°73-74: 28-30.Centro de Estudios en Economia y Cultura Universidad Católica Argentina., 2009)
      Más allá de la postura de ontología social que se adopte (individualista u holista) está claro que los fenómenos sociales son, al menos, fenómenos complejos. Por eso, cualquier análisis de la actual crisis financiera y ...
    • La responsabilidad social empresaria /RSE) a la luz de Caritas in veritate. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cultura Económica, Agosto/Diciembre 2009 Año XXVII-N°75-76:, 2009)
      Ante todo se debe señalar1 que las cuestiones de la empresa y de su responsabilidad en la sociedad están inscritas en el tono altamente exigente de la Encíclica, acorde a la idea madre que la informa completamente, e. ...
    • Practical comparability and Ends in Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Journal of Economic Methodology,14:3,371-393, 2007)
      This paper endeavours to summarize a variety of arguments for a reconsideration of ends in Economics. The logical structure of the rationality of ends (practical rationality) differs from the one of means (instrumental ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Libertas, XIII/45: 25-33, 2006)
      Ante todo debo agradecer la invitación de Gabriel Zanotti a formar parte de este panel. Debo confesar que inicialmente me resistí. Mi argumento fue que había dedicado sólo un período breve al estudio parcial de las obras ...
    • Una reflexión sobre la razón teórica y la razón práctica en la economía 

      Crespo, Ricardo ("Revista Empresa y Humanismo Volumen XII N° 2, 2009 pp 107-152", 2009)
      Dadas las limitaciones de la noción estándar de racionalidad económica, estamos viviendo una explosión de nuevos adjetivos de la “racionalidad” en economía. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer la aplicación a la ...
    • La “pirámide invertida” de capacidades 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Economía Política de Buenos Aires (F. de Economía, UBA), 2009)
      Una crítica del “enfoque capacidades” (EC) de Sen es que resulta poco operativo debido al carácter heterogéneo de éstas. Sólo parece haber soluciones para cada caso concreto. Pero esta respuesta no es suficiente para ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Empresa y Humanismo - Año 2003 Vol. VI nº2 , 2003)
      Este trabajo comienza señalando las dificultades de orden epistemológico que las teorías económicas tienen para considerar la libertad humana. Sugiere que la racionalidad práctica aristotélica puede ser una posición ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Empresa y Humanismo - Año 2000 Vol. II nº2, 2000)
      La economía se ha transformado en la nueva religión contemporánea. En este trabajo se intenta mostrar cómo el punto de vista económico se constituye en el criterio de análisis actual de todas las realidades humanas: la ...
    • Three Arguments Against Menger’s Suggested Aristotelianism 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 2003)
      Specialists often maintain that Menger has been strongly influenced by Aristotle’s thought ideas. This paper shows that although using Aristotle’s categories and general framework there are some issues in which Menger’s ...
    • Marcelo Arguelles, chairman of Grupo de Empresas Farmaceuticas Sidus, on Argentine competitiveness 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Juan, Quiroga (Academy of Management Executive, 2003)
      The Grupo de Empresas Farmacéuticas Sidus is an Argentine Business Group with a leading role in contributing to an upgrade within the country's pharmaceutical sector. The organization has successfully faced the evolutionary ...
    • Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; Preve, Lorenzo; Ettienot, Hernan (Journal of Applied Finance, 2012)
      Working capital management is an issue in which finance research is scarce. One possible reason behind this fact might relate to the relative ease with which efficient financial markets correct deviations from optimal ...
    • Managing Talent Risk 

      Preve, Lorenzo; Hatum, Andres (Managing Talent Risk, Journal Harvard Deusto Vol 4, No 1 (2015), 2015)
      Talent Management is one of the most exciting topics in Management, and coincidentally, the same can be said about Risk Management. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that one of the most interesting features of Risk ...
    • Theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence and distinctive features in Latin America 

      Preve, Lorenzo; Sarria Allende, Virginia; Maquieira, Carlos (Emerging Markets Review, 2011)
      We survey 290 LATAM firms on capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure issues. We analyze the results and compare them to those of other studies. We interpret differences according to special features ...
    • Trade Receivables Policy of Distressed Firms and its Effect on the Cost of Financial Distress 

      Preve, Lorenzo; Molina, Carlos (Financial Management, 2009)
      This paper studies the trade receivables policy of distressed firms as the trade-off between the firm's willingness to gain sales and the firm's need for cash. We find that firms increase trade receivables when they have ...
    • Beyond self - interest revisited 

      Rocha, Hector (Journal of Managment Studies, 2006)
      We revisit the self-interest view on human behaviour and its critique, and propose a framework, called self-love view, that integrates self-interest and unselfishness and provides different explanations of the relationship ...
    • Entrepreneurship: The Role of Clusters. Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence from Germany 

      Rocha, Hector (Small Business Economics, 2005)
      This paper is about the impact of clusters on entrepreneurship at the regional level. Defining entrepreneurship as the creation of new organisations and clusters as a geographically proximate group of interconnected firms ...