Now showing items 101-111 of 111

    • La agenda del CEO latinoamericano 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Caldart, Adrian; Cornejo, Magdalena (Harvard Business Review America Latina, 2011)
      Las crisis de la pasada década pusieron el desempeño de los altos ejecutivos en el foco de la discusión. Muchos de los CEO que pasaron de ser héroes a villanos de un día para otro se destacaban mucho en ciertas dimensiones ...
    • What Do CEOs Do? Testing a Model on How CEOs Add Value 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Quiroga, Juan (IAE, 2008)
      The present study tests the theoretical framework on how CEOs add value proposed by Carrera et al (2006). According to this model, CEOs must manage three main processes for accomplishing their mission of providing ...
    • Business groups and their corporate strategies on the Argentine roller coaster of competitive and anti-competitive shocks 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Perkins, Guillermo; Vassolo, Roberto; Mesquita, Luiz (Academy of Management Executive, 2003)
      Argentine economic history can be pictured as a series of severe economic ups and downs, which created unique managerial challenges for growing businesses. In this article we show how Argentine entrepreneurs have successfully ...
    • Asymmetry and the cost of capital. 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; García Sánchez, Javier; Preve, Lorenzo (2nd World Finance Conference, Rhodes., 2011)
      The expected cost of capital is a crucial component for most of the topics in corporate finance. Unfortunately in the presence of risky debt, it is systematically overestimated. This bias is increasing in leverage and the ...
    • La agenda del CEO Latinoamericano 

      Carrera, Alejandro (Harvard Business Review America Latina, 2011)
      Descubra cómo la conducta del máximo ejecutivo de nuestro continente refleja factores tales como el ciclo económico, la experiencia en el cargo, la propiedad y la procedencia de una empresa.
    • Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study 

      Preve, Lorenzo (Journal of Applied Finance, 2012)
      Working capital management is an issue in which finance research is scarce. One possible reason behind this fact might relate to the relative ease with which efficient financial markets correct deviations from optimal ...
    • An empirical analysis of the effect of financial distress on trade credit 

      Preve, Lorenzo (Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Denver., 2003)
      This paper studies the use of supplier's trade credit by firms in financial distress. Trade credit represents a large portion of firms’ short-term financing and plays an important role in financial distress. We find that ...
    • The ontology of ‘the Economic’: An Aristotelian analysis 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2006)
      Tony Lawson’s and Uskali Mäki’s respective realist projects rely on an ontology of the economy. This paper will not focus on these research projects but will instead try to shed light on them by introducing an ontology ...
    • Aristotle on the economy 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Philosophia, 2010)
      From seemingly outdated passages of Aristotle on oikonomikè, this paper tries to select and separate what is old-fashioned from what is valid for today. From these latter elements –which may be abridged in the intrinsic ...
    • Noción y tareas de la economía, su carácter normativo y sus conexiones con la ética 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Economica n.1-2 (XLVIII): 27-49, 2002)
      Este trabajo tiene un doble fin. En primer lugar, se propone hacer una evaluación de las tareas habitualmente asignadas a la ciencia económica. Eso supondrá delimitar diversas nociones de ciencia económica. En segundo ...
    • Valuation in Emerging Markets: A Simulation Approach 

      García Sánchez, Javier; Preve, Lorenzo; Sarria Allende, Virginia (Morgan Stanley, 2010-04)
      Most of the foundations of valuation theory have been designed for use in developed markets. Because of the greater, and in some cases different, risks associated with emerging markets (although recent experience might ...