Now showing items 41-60 of 111

    • Valuation in Emerging Markets: A Simulation Approach 

      García Sánchez, Javier; Preve, Lorenzo; Sarria Allende, Virginia (Morgan Stanley, 2010-04)
      Most of the foundations of valuation theory have been designed for use in developed markets. Because of the greater, and in some cases different, risks associated with emerging markets (although recent experience might ...
    • Asymmetry and the cost of capital. 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; García Sánchez, Javier; Preve, Lorenzo (2nd World Finance Conference, Rhodes., 2011)
      The expected cost of capital is a crucial component for most of the topics in corporate finance. Unfortunately in the presence of risky debt, it is systematically overestimated. This bias is increasing in leverage and the ...
    • Two Conceptions of Economics and Maximization 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Cambridge Journal of Economics 2013, 37, 759–774 doi:10.1093/cje/bes076, 2011)
      Economics has evolved from a ‘domain-focused’ conception, i.e. the study of specific kinds of human activities, to a ‘scarcity-based’ conception, i.e. the study of a particular approach to all human choices. It thus enlarged ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Journal of Applied Economics-Leading Paper-Vol.XIV,N°2, November 2011:181-197., 2011)
      As Ronald Coase points out there are two kinds of conceptions of economics: first, the conception that emphasizes the study of specific kinds of human activities; and second, the conception that makes economics the study ...
    • La agenda del CEO latinoamericano 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Caldart, Adrian; Cornejo, Magdalena (Harvard Business Review America Latina, 2011)
      Las crisis de la pasada década pusieron el desempeño de los altos ejecutivos en el foco de la discusión. Muchos de los CEO que pasaron de ser héroes a villanos de un día para otro se destacaban mucho en ciertas dimensiones ...
    • La agenda del CEO Latinoamericano 

      Carrera, Alejandro (Harvard Business Review America Latina, 2011)
      Descubra cómo la conducta del máximo ejecutivo de nuestro continente refleja factores tales como el ciclo económico, la experiencia en el cargo, la propiedad y la procedencia de una empresa.
    • Would we have had this crisis if women had been running the financial sector? 

      Crespo, Ricardo; van Staveren, Irene (Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment,Volume 1 Issue 3-4, 2011:241-250, 2011)
      The two main ethical approaches, utilitarianism and deontology, have not been able to prevent some of the behaviours underlying the financial crisis. A third ethics, the ethics of care, might have been more effective than ...
    • Theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence and distinctive features in Latin America 

      Preve, Lorenzo; Sarria Allende, Virginia; Maquieira, Carlos (Emerging Markets Review, 2011)
      We survey 290 LATAM firms on capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure issues. We analyze the results and compare them to those of other studies. We interpret differences according to special features ...
    • Una nueva lógica para la economía 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Persona y Cultura. Número 8, Año 8. Arequipa: Universidad Católica de San Pablo, 2011)
      Recordando las enseñanzas de su última encíclica, Caritas in veritate, en un reciente discurso a los asistentes a la reunión anual del Banco de Desarrollo del Consejo de Europa1, Benedicto XVI reclamó «la novedad de ...
    • Aristóteles y el pensamiento económico: una introducción. 

      Crespo, Ricardo; MARTÍNEZECHEVARRÍA Y ORTEGA, MIGUEL ALFONSO (Revista Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XIV, N°2: 5-11., 2011)
      Constituye un hecho indiscutible el indudable peso que la filosofía de Aristóteles ha tenido en el desarrollo de la moderna ciencia de la economía; entendiendo por tal la que se inicia a partir del siglo XVIII. Aristóteles ...
    • Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study 

      Preve, Lorenzo (Journal of Applied Finance, 2012)
      Working capital management is an issue in which finance research is scarce. One possible reason behind this fact might relate to the relative ease with which efficient financial markets correct deviations from optimal ...
    • The capabilities approaches and Aristotelian Practical Reason 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados, n. 57, año XXIX, octubre de 2012, pp. 57-86, 2012)
      This paper deals with the problem of how to make decisions about capabilities, as conceived by Amartya Sen. Given their incommensurable character, how to determine the particular set of capabilities to be sought ...
    • Practical reasoning in economic affairs: The HD Index as a case study 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Vitor Neves (ed.) Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics. New York: Routledge:150-179., 2012)
      The French philosopher of science Gilles-Gaston Granger (1992) explains that in the domain of Economics we must take into account three aspects of economic rationality if we want to achieve a correct and complete analysis. ...
    • A teleological causal mechanism for economics. Socio-economic machines. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In A. Lazzarini & D. Weisman (eds.), Perspectives on Epistemology of Economics. FCE, UBA 2012, 123-138., 2012)
      In the last years, given the problems of the so-called ‘received view’, a new kind of explanation has appeared in the realm of the philosophy of science, the causal mechanism explanations. This kind of mechanism has been ...
    • Theoretical and Practical Reason in Economics. Capacities and Capabilities 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Springer Briefs in Philosophy, 2012)
      The aim of this book is to argue in favor of the usefulness of restoring the exercise of theoretical and practical reason in economics. The book presents some of Nancy Cartwright and Amartya Sen’s ideas as instances of ...
    • El Pensamiento ético y político de John Maynard Keynes 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Deus Mortalis, n°10, 2011-2012, 2012)
      La sola mención del nombre de Keynes ha generado, y sigue haciéndolo aún, una serie de ideas poco objetivas. «La palabra “Keynes”», afirmaba su discípulo y amigo Richard Kahn, «se ha transformado en un término abusivo»1. ...
    • Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; Preve, Lorenzo; Ettienot, Hernan (Journal of Applied Finance, 2012)
      Working capital management is an issue in which finance research is scarce. One possible reason behind this fact might relate to the relative ease with which efficient financial markets correct deviations from optimal ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Estudios Económicos, UNS, Noviembre: 2012, 2012)
      This paper applies John Poinsot’s doctrine about signs to the evaluation of “good economic models”. First, a “good model” is defi ned. Then, Poinsot’s conceptual framework and some current ideas about models are introduced. ...
    • The Increasing Role of Practical Reason in the Human Development Reports 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Review of Social Economy, 2013, 2013)
      This paper will argue for the need to reinsert practical reason into economics. It will first define, classify and characterize practical reason. Secondly, it will show how it applies to Economics (Section 2). Then, it ...