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Now showing items 7-26 of 2629
A 100 años del fallecimiento de Joaquín Víctor González. Perfil biográfico y aportes al derecho constitucional
(Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Austral, 2023-12)Este trabajo se refiere a los hitos fundamentales de la vida de Joaquín V. González, a propósito del centésimo aniversario de su muerte. Luego de una breve reseña biográfica, el artículo se focaliza en el aporte que ha ... -
A 150 años de la Constitución de la provincia de Buenos Aires de 1873
(Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Austral, 2023-12)Exposición sobre el 150° aniversario de la sanción de la Constitución de la provincia de Buenos Aires de 1873. -
A Critical Analysis of Business Declarations and Statements from a Human Rights Perspective
(Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos y Universidad Austral., 2021-10)Recent developments in the business and human rights field demonstrate an eagerness to come up with stronger and mandatory regulations addressed at corporations in the internal realm, required by international norms. This ... -
A familiar study on self-limited childhood epilepsy patients using hIPSC-derived neurons shows a bias towards immaturity at the morphological, electrophysiological and gene expression levels
(BMC, 2021-11-01)Background: Self-limited Childhood Epilepsies are the most prevalent epileptic syndrome in children. Its pathogenesis is unknown. In this disease, symptoms resolve spontaneously in approximately 50% of patients when maturity ... -
A few challenges in mucopolysaccharidosis type I
(2021-06-01)RESUMEN Se describen como desafíos actuales en mucopolisacaridosis I la necesidad de una clasificación adecuada, vinculándola a las indicaciones terapéuticas; el diagnóstico temprano desde la pesquisa neonatal, ... -
A functional platform to monitor SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses in vaccinated individuals and COVID-19 recovered patients
(Medicina Buenos Aires, 2021)Abstract in English, Spanish The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the emergent pandemic disease COVID-19, requires the urgent commitment of the immunology community to understand the adaptive immune ... -
[A functional platform to monitor SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses in vaccinated individuals and COVID-19 recovered patients]
(Medicina Buenos Aires, 2021-07-01)Abstract in English, Spanish The rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the emergent pandemic disease COVID-19, requires the urgent commitment of the immunology community to understand the adaptive immune ... -
A Latin American survey on demographic aspects of hospitalized, decompensated cirrhotic patients and the resources for their management
(Elsevier, 2020-07)Abstract Introduction & objectives: Liver cirrhosis is a major cause of mortality worldwide. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of decompensating events requires of both medical skills and updated technical resources. The ... -
A Machine Learning Model to Predict Drug Transfer Across the Human Placenta Barrier
(Frontiers Media, 2021-07-01)Abstract The development of computational models for assessing the transfer of chemicals across the placental membrane would be of the utmost importance in drug discovery campaigns, in order to develop safe therapeutic ... -
A poor and delayed anti-SARS-CoV2 IgG response is associated to severe COVID-19 in children
(Elsevier, 2021-10-01)Abstract Background: Most children and youth develop mild or asymptomatic disease during severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. However, a very small number of patients suffer severe ... -
A propósito de los Adquirentes de Automotores por Boleto de Compraventa y el Concurso Preventivo o Quiebra del Vendedor
(Universidad Austral. Facultad de Derecho, 2019-12)El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad advertir que el régimen de concursos y quiebras continúa sin brindar respuesta a un supuesto que, si bien no cotidiano, suele presentarse a menudo en el marco de un proceso concursal ... -
A Randomized Trial of Convalescent Plasma in Covid-19 Severe Pneumonia
(Massachusetts Medical Society [Society Publisher], 2021-02-01)Abstract Background: Convalescent plasma is frequently administered to patients with Covid-19 and has been reported, largely on the basis of observational data, to improve clinical outcomes. Minimal data are available ... -
A Restricciones a la publicidad infantil en Sudamérica : análisis comparativo basado en códigos de autorregulación
(Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Austral, 2021-06)Los críticos de la publicidad la consideran como uno de los principales villanos de la sociedad contemporánea. A esta “villana”, calificada como una gran “promotora” e impulsora del consumo capitalista, se le atribuye la ... -
A strategy to reduce medication prescription error in hospitalized patients
(Medicina Buenos Aires, 2021)Abstract in English, Spanish Prescription errors represent a relevant health problem. This work aims to analyze the medication prescription error in hospitalized patients before and after a multiple intervention. This is ... -
A Year of Living Dangerously: Challenges and Recommendations for Safely Performing Ophthalmic Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, from Start to Finish
(Taylor and Francis Group [Commercial Publisher] Dove Press [Imprint], 2021-01-15)Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all nations to take an active role in infection control incorporating recommendations and measures to control viral dissemination. The epidemiological impact is very diverse and ... -
Abducing the Crisis
(In L. Magnani, W. Carnielli and C. Pizzi (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational Discovery, Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Vol. 314. Springer Verlag: 179-198., 2010)Macroeconomic crises are events marked by “broken promises” that shatter the expectations that many agents had entertained about their economic prospects and wealth positions. Crises lead to reappraisals of the views ... -
Abduction in Economics: a Conceptual Framework and its Model
(Synthese:December 2013, Volume 190, Issue 18, pp 4215-4237, 2013)We discuss in this paper the scope of abduction in Economics. The literature on this type of inference shows that it can be interpreted in di erent ways, according to the role and nature of its outcome. We present a ... -
Abordaje psicosocial de la muerte perinatal de un gemelar
(FUNDASAMIN (Fundación para la Salud Materno Infantil), 2020-04-01)The perinatal death of a twin is a dramatic expe- rience and a traumatic impact for parental psyche. The mourning for the death of a twin carries a special com- plexity since the mother and the father are exposed to ... -
Abstracción Cambiaria, Derecho de Consumo y Competencia. Comentario al Fallo Plenario
(IJ Editores, 2011)El plenario que aquí se comenta plantea, entre otros, el problema de la admisibilidad o no de la prórroga de la competencia territorial en los títulos cambiarios, particularmente en el marco de un proceso ejecutivo, y a ... -
Abstracción y autonomía. Situación del portador legitimado del pagaré ante el cobro: oposición de excepciones. Acciones cambiarias y extracambiarias
(Universidad Austral. Facultad de Derecho, 2013-07)