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dc.contributor.authorYañez Arauz, Juan.
dc.identifier.citationTechniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, Volume 16, Number 1, March 2017, pp. 11-19(9)en_US
dc.description.abstractPercutaneous foot surgery is a surgical method of treating various bone and soft-tissue disorders of the foot. In hallux valgus pathology, it is called minimal incision surgery, and is another method to treat this disorder. As in all surgical techniques, there are complications in minimal incision hallux valgus surgery. In general, in percutaneous surgery, there have been reports of recurrence on the hallux valgus deformity or development of the opposite deformity (hallux varus), malunion, nonunion, head metatarsal necrosis, clawed hallux, and transfer keratotic lesions that cause pain, thermal injuries, and other complications. We describe some of the most frequent complications in minimally invasive surgery of the hallux valgus, and how to correct it.en_US
dc.publisherWolters Kluweren_US
dc.subjectComplications in hallux valgusen_US
dc.subjectMinimal incision surgeryen_US
dc.subjectMinimally invasive surgeryen_US
dc.titleTreatment of Minimally Invasive Hallux Valgus Surgery Complicationsen_US

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