Now showing items 1-20 of 113

    • Abducing the Crisis 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Tohmé, Fernando; Heymann, Daniel (In L. Magnani, W. Carnielli and C. Pizzi (eds.), Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic and Computational Discovery, Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Vol. 314. Springer Verlag: 179-198., 2010)
      Macroeconomic crises are events marked by “broken promises” that shatter the expectations that many agents had entertained about their economic prospects and wealth positions. Crises lead to reappraisals of the views ...
    • Abduction in Economics: a Conceptual Framework and its Model 

      Tohmé, Fernando; Crespo, Ricardo (Synthese:December 2013, Volume 190, Issue 18, pp 4215-4237, 2013)
      We discuss in this paper the scope of abduction in Economics. The literature on this type of inference shows that it can be interpreted in di erent ways, according to the role and nature of its outcome. We present a ...
    • An Amicable Intercession: Juan Carlos I of Spain in the River Uruguay?s Pulp Mills International Dispute 

      Luchi, Roberto; Llorente, Ariel (22nd Annual IACM Conference Paper, 2009)
      This paper examines the diplomatic and sociopolitical dynamics that limited the expected results of a Third Party Intervention (TPI) in the ongoing international dispute, involving two Latin American (LA) countries, ...
    • Aristotle on the economy 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Philosophia, 2010)
      From seemingly outdated passages of Aristotle on oikonomikè, this paper tries to select and separate what is old-fashioned from what is valid for today. From these latter elements –which may be abridged in the intrinsic ...
    • Aristotle. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Van Staveren, I., Peil, J. (eds.) . Elgar Handbook of Economics and Ethics: . London: ., 2007)
      In his Lives of the Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius depicts a very well known outline of Aristotle’s life and work, characterizing him as a morally good person. Diogenes transcribes Aristotle’s testament where he expressed ...
    • Aristotle’s Science of Economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Harper, R. I., Gregg, S. (Eds.) . Christian Theology And Market Economics: Part I : Christianity and the history of economic thought, Chapter 1: 13-24. London: ., 2008)
      In this chapter the Aristotelian conception of the economic science will be explained. First, the notion of oikonomike will be introduced. Then, it will be determined whether Economics was a science for Aristotle. In the ...
    • Aristóteles y el pensamiento económico: una introducción. 

      Crespo, Ricardo; MARTÍNEZECHEVARRÍA Y ORTEGA, MIGUEL ALFONSO (Revista Empresa y Humanismo, Vol. XIV, N°2: 5-11., 2011)
      Constituye un hecho indiscutible el indudable peso que la filosofía de Aristóteles ha tenido en el desarrollo de la moderna ciencia de la economía; entendiendo por tal la que se inicia a partir del siglo XVIII. Aristóteles ...
    • Asymmetry and the cost of capital. 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; García Sánchez, Javier; Preve, Lorenzo (2nd World Finance Conference, Rhodes., 2011)
      The expected cost of capital is a crucial component for most of the topics in corporate finance. Unfortunately in the presence of risky debt, it is systematically overestimated. This bias is increasing in leverage and the ...
    • Beyond self - interest revisited 

      Rocha, Hector (Journal of Managment Studies, 2006)
      We revisit the self-interest view on human behaviour and its critique, and propose a framework, called self-love view, that integrates self-interest and unselfishness and provides different explanations of the relationship ...
    • Business groups and their corporate strategies on the Argentine roller coaster of competitive and anti-competitive shocks 

      Carrera, Alejandro; Perkins, Guillermo; Vassolo, Roberto; Mesquita, Luiz (Academy of Management Executive, 2003)
      Argentine economic history can be pictured as a series of severe economic ups and downs, which created unique managerial challenges for growing businesses. In this article we show how Argentine entrepreneurs have successfully ...
    • The capabilities approaches and Aristotelian Practical Reason 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados, n. 57, año XXIX, octubre de 2012, pp. 57-86, 2012)
      This paper deals with the problem of how to make decisions about capabilities, as conceived by Amartya Sen. Given their incommensurable character, how to determine the particular set of capabilities to be sought ...
    • Caso en vivo. Ciudades y Ecosistemas como motores de desarrollo. Los desafíos de Pergamino y el ecosistema (distrito) ante la crisis del Covid – 19 

      Rocha, Hector; Paladino, Marcelo; Bergroth, Inés (IAE Business School. Universidad Austral, 2020-06)
      El presente caso en vivo se utilizará para reflexionar y motivar la acción en la toma de decisiones de alto impacto, definidos en el marco del desarrollo integral sostenible a nivel local en la ciudad de Pergamino. El ...
    • Caso en vivo. Los desafios del cluster aeronáutico 

      Vara, Carla Mariel; Rocha, Hector (IAE Business School. Universidad Austral, 2019-06)
      Morón es uno de los 135 partidos que forman la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se encuentra dentro del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA), que se conforma por la Capital Federal más los 24 partidos que la ...
    • Casos en vivo. Ejemplos en workshops 

      Rocha, Héctor (IAE Business School. Universidad Austral, 2024-07)
      Nota técnica con casos en vivo. Ejemplos en workshops
    • Casos en vivo. Los desafíos de emprender en pandemia: Chocorísimo (2021) 

      Rocha, Hector; Wolf, Esteban (IAE Business School. Universidad Austral, 2022-07)
      Chocorísimo es una fábrica de helados artesanales con cafeterías, líder en la provincia de Buenos Aires, con locales en Zárate, Escobar, Del Viso, José C. Paz, Grand Bourg, Laferrere, Moreno, Luján, Olavarría y Bahía Blanca, ...
    • The common good and economics 

      Crespo, Ricardo (“The Common Good and Economics”, en Cuadernos de Economía A10, A13, B59, 2015)
      This paper analyzes the meaning of the ‘common good’ and its impact on economics.It adopts the ‘classical notion of the common good’ which, conceived by Aristotle and furtherdeveloped by Thomas Aquinas, has been widely ...
    • Cross-National differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction and turnover intentions with Work-Family Conflict. 

      Fraile, Guillermo María (PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, 2007)
      A study of work interference with family (WIF) among managers is described, contrasting four clusters of countries, one of which is individualistic (Anglo) and three of which are collectivistic (Asia, East Europe, and Latin ...
    • Cuestiones implícitas al medir en economía: El índice de desarrollo humano (IDH) como un estudio de campo. 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Adrogué, Cecilia (Revista Cultura Económica, Diciembre 2010, Año XXVIII, No. 79:33-42., 2010)
      An ancient desire of human beings has been to manage the future by fixing ends and means and calculating the best allocation of the later into the former. The earliest testimony of this ambition is expressed in Plato’s ...
    • Desafío SF500. Desarrollo directivo… - Nuevas realidades y criterios 

      Rocha, Hector (IAE Business School. Universidad Austral, 2022-05)
      El contexto actual que atraviesa el mundo, signado por una pandemia sanitaria que se agrega a una pandemia de hambre y a una pandemia climática, hace que desarrollar nuevos conocimientos e innovaciones científicas, ...
    • Desarrollo directivo a través de casos en vivo Hoy: De la iniciativa privada a la función pública Los desafíos de la Villa Olímpica (B) 

      Rocha, Hector (Universidad Austral. IAE Business School., 2018-11)
      El caso en vivo que utilizaremos para reflexionar y decidir sobre el tránsito de la actividad privada a la función pública es el de Franco Moccia, quien al momento del caso en vivo se desempeña como ministro de Desarrollo ...