Now showing items 41-60 of 111

    • Cross-National differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction and turnover intentions with Work-Family Conflict. 

      Fraile, Guillermo María (PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, 2007)
      A study of work interference with family (WIF) among managers is described, contrasting four clusters of countries, one of which is individualistic (Anglo) and three of which are collectivistic (Asia, East Europe, and Latin ...
    • Kraft Foods’ 2009 Conflict in Argentina: A Turning-Points Analysis of a Labor-Management Negotiation 

      Luchi, Roberto; Llorente, Ariel; Sioli, Alejandro ("Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 214–237, August 2013 Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Volume 6, Issue 3, pages 214–237, August 2013 ", 2013)
      This article analyzes a 4-month-long labor dispute that unfolded in Argentina between Kraft Foods Argentina’s (KFTA) management and its workers’ union delegation at the firm’s largest plant on account of the 2009 A(H1N1) ...
    • The transformative capabilities of mediation on strenuous Labor-Management relation. An exploratory case study within the Telecommunications Sector in an emerging economy 

      Luchi, Roberto; Llorente, Ariel (23rd Annual IACM Conference Paper, 2010)
      This paper examines how and why a mediation process may transform an antagonistic labormanagement relation, in two post-privatized telecommunications companies in an emerging economy, and make it evolve from severe ...
    • An Amicable Intercession: Juan Carlos I of Spain in the River Uruguay?s Pulp Mills International Dispute 

      Luchi, Roberto; Llorente, Ariel (22nd Annual IACM Conference Paper, 2009)
      This paper examines the diplomatic and sociopolitical dynamics that limited the expected results of a Third Party Intervention (TPI) in the ongoing international dispute, involving two Latin American (LA) countries, ...
    • The Regulation of Entry and the Distortion of Industrial Organization 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; Fisman, Raymond ("Journal of Applied Economics. (CEMA), Vol XIII, No. 1 (May 2010), 91-120.", 2010)
      We study the distortions of industrial organization caused by entry regulation. We take advantage of heterogeneity across industries in their natural barriers and growth opportunities to examine whether industries are ...
    • Small and medium enterprises financing in Eastern Europe. 

      Sarria Allende, Virginia; Klapper, Leora; Sulla, Victor (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No.2933, Washington., 2002)
      There is currently a large interest in understanding firms' percentage of total employment) in Eastern European access to finance, particularly in the financing of small- countries is smaller than in most developed ...
    • Trade credit and bank credit: Evidence from recent financial crises 

      Preve, Lorenzo; Inessa, Love; Sarria Allende, Virginia ("Financial Market Development and emerging and transition economies. Hyderabad, India. ", 2003)
      This paper studies the effect of financial crises on trade credit for a sample of 890 firms in six emerging economies. Although the provision of trade credit increases right after a crisis, it contracts in the following ...
    • Nota sobre la naturaleza ‘política’ de ‘lo económico’ para Aristóteles 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Bertolloni, Francisco (Philosophia, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, N°73/1-Enero-Junio 2013:103-110., 2013)
      Esta nota intenta la solución del conflicto entre el carácter supuestamente pre-moral de la oikonomikê aristotélica por pertenecer a la oikia, y el carácter claramente moral que surge de la lectura de los textos aristotélicos ...
    • "Living in Complex Economies: On Inconsistent Expectations and Economic Crises " 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Heymann, Daniel; Schiaffino, Pablo (Filosofía de la economía. Publicación del Centro de investigación en Epistemología de las Ciencias Económicas. FCE-UBA:71-86., 2013)
      Economic crises are associated with large shocks to beliefs and expectations. Thus, their study includes the strategies that economic actors use to interpret and anticipate the evolution of their environment. In this ...
    • El revisionismo austríaco y la concepción aristotélica del valor. Sesgos y claves para una nueva revisión 

      Crespo, Ricardo; Martinez-Cinca, Carlos Diego (Revista Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía Vol.30, N°1, 2013:11-26., 2013)
      El revisionismo austríaco discutió la tesis de la historiografía económica clásica en torno a una supuesta incomprensión escolástica del mercado fundada en el “justo precio” y en la concepción aristotélica del valor, y ...
    • Abduction in Economics: a Conceptual Framework and its Model 

      Tohmé, Fernando; Crespo, Ricardo (Synthese:December 2013, Volume 190, Issue 18, pp 4215-4237, 2013)
      We discuss in this paper the scope of abduction in Economics. The literature on this type of inference shows that it can be interpreted in di erent ways, according to the role and nature of its outcome. We present a ...
    • The Increasing Role of Practical Reason in the Human Development Reports 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Review of Social Economy, 2013, 2013)
      This paper will argue for the need to reinsert practical reason into economics. It will first define, classify and characterize practical reason. Secondly, it will show how it applies to Economics (Section 2). Then, it ...
    • The capabilities approaches and Aristotelian Practical Reason 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Instituciones, Ideas y Mercados, n. 57, año XXIX, octubre de 2012, pp. 57-86, 2012)
      This paper deals with the problem of how to make decisions about capabilities, as conceived by Amartya Sen. Given their incommensurable character, how to determine the particular set of capabilities to be sought ...
    • Theoretical and Practical Reason in Economics. Capacities and Capabilities 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Springer Briefs in Philosophy, 2012)
      The aim of this book is to argue in favor of the usefulness of restoring the exercise of theoretical and practical reason in economics. The book presents some of Nancy Cartwright and Amartya Sen’s ideas as instances of ...
    • El Pensamiento ético y político de John Maynard Keynes 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Deus Mortalis, n°10, 2011-2012, 2012)
      La sola mención del nombre de Keynes ha generado, y sigue haciéndolo aún, una serie de ideas poco objetivas. «La palabra “Keynes”», afirmaba su discípulo y amigo Richard Kahn, «se ha transformado en un término abusivo»1. ...
    • Review of Andrew M. Yuengert’s Approximating prudence: Aristotelian practical wisdom and economic models of choice. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Volume 6, Issue 1,Spring 2013, pp. 127-133., 2013)
      Although it may sound paradoxical, this is a positive book about the limitations of economics. All sciences necessarily simplify. Sciences try to think deeply about their subjects, and to think we need to put away the ...
    • A teleological causal mechanism for economics. Socio-economic machines. 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In A. Lazzarini & D. Weisman (eds.), Perspectives on Epistemology of Economics. FCE, UBA 2012, 123-138., 2012)
      In the last years, given the problems of the so-called ‘received view’, a new kind of explanation has appeared in the realm of the philosophy of science, the causal mechanism explanations. This kind of mechanism has been ...
    • Practical reasoning in economic affairs: The HD Index as a case study 

      Crespo, Ricardo (In Vitor Neves (ed.) Facts, Values and Objectivity in Economics. New York: Routledge:150-179., 2012)
      The French philosopher of science Gilles-Gaston Granger (1992) explains that in the domain of Economics we must take into account three aspects of economic rationality if we want to achieve a correct and complete analysis. ...

      Crespo, Ricardo (Revista de Estudios Económicos, UNS, Noviembre: 2012, 2012)
      This paper applies John Poinsot’s doctrine about signs to the evaluation of “good economic models”. First, a “good model” is defi ned. Then, Poinsot’s conceptual framework and some current ideas about models are introduced. ...
    • Would we have had this crisis if women had been running the financial sector? 

      Crespo, Ricardo; van Staveren, Irene (Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment,Volume 1 Issue 3-4, 2011:241-250, 2011)
      The two main ethical approaches, utilitarianism and deontology, have not been able to prevent some of the behaviours underlying the financial crisis. A third ethics, the ethics of care, might have been more effective than ...